When is it OK to wear leggings?
Leggings exist for a reason. They are more opaque than tights, and provide wearers of short dresses or long tops a modicum of modesty. A good rule of thumb: If you wouldn't wear transparent tights with that top in public, don't wear leggings with it. Are yoga pants or workout clothes the same thing as leggings? No. Certain criteria - including but not limited to fabric thickness, cut, style, and purpose of wear - mean you can wear tight, stretchy pants when exercising without fear or shame. Can I wear leggings as pajamas? Even in public, such as during overnight travel? Yes. As long as you are not wearing them during a time when normal people would be wearing pants, you're OK. I'm pregnant. Now can I wear leggings? Girlfriend, you can wear whatever you want. Are leggings a universal evil? No. Leggings are practical and comfortable. But they are not pants, and should not be worn as if they are. Have something to add?